Monday, November 29, 2010

Big Buck World - Dissected

Big Buck World stands atop the BBH Evolutionary Path. The Crown Jewel of the BBH Dynasty.

Here is a look of the Release History of the BBH / BBS series.

Big Buck Hunter Pro
Released March 2006
5 Adventures
5 Huntable Animals
15 Bonus Games

Big Buck Hunter Pro: Tournament Edition
Released March 2008
1 New Adventure (6 Total)
1 New Huntable Animal (6 Total)
3 New Bonus Games (18 Total)
Trophy Club

Big Buck Safari
Released March 2008
5 Adventures
5 Huntable Animals
8 Trophy Animals
15 Bonus Games
Trophy Club

Big Buck Hunter: Open Season
Released Oct 2009
3 New Adventures (9 Total)
3 New Huntable Animals (9 Total)
9 New Bonus Games (27 Total)
Trophy Club
New: Hunting Parties

Big Buck Safari: Outback
(Only released within Big Buck World)
Released Nov 2010
3 New Adventures (8 Total)
3 New Huntable Animals (8 Total)
10 New Trophy Animals (18 Total)
9 New Bonus Games (24 Total)
Trophy Club
Hunting Parties

Big Buck World
Combines BBH Open Season AND
BBS Outback into ONE Cabinet
17 Total Adventures
17 Total Huntable Animals
18 Total Trophy Animals
51 Total Bonus Games
Trophy Club
Hunting Parties
New: Team Play Mode
New: Trophy Club Tournaments

The easiest way to remember it...
Any animal or feature ever created for BBH or BBS is in BBW.

It's the Grand Collection of EVERYTHING!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Big Buck World - New Feature: Team Play

Big Buck World introduces a new gameplay feature called Team Play, or 2-on-2 shootout mode.
In Team Play, 2 players (Green Team) take on 2 other players (Orange Team) in competitive shootout mode. First Green Team player 1 takes on Orange Team player 1, then Green Team player 2 takes on Orange Team player 2. Green Team's scores are added up and compared against Orange Team's score at the leaderboard.

This mode combines teams and competition in one mode. You can play with one friend and against another. Each member of each team still plays all the gameplay (5 sites & bonus per trek). This mode is only available in Big Buck World. It's available within the Opens Season side of Big Buck World, and the Big Buck Safari Outback side of Big Buck World.

Find a wingman, Find a Big Buck World game and check out Team Play!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Big Buck World - New Adventures

Here is some info about the upcoming Big Buck World game...

Now pay attention, cuz Pappy had to get some folks mighty likker'd up to find out this info.

As you know, Big Buck World contains 2 games in one: (Big Buck Hunter Open Season & Big Buck Safari Outback) So you can pick either game.

The Big Buck Safari Outback game is an update to Big Buck Safari. It contains 3 all-new Adventures. Here are the new Adventures:

Ibex Adventure (Northern Africa)

Rusa Deer Adventure (Australia)

Blackbuck Adventure (India)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why not have it all?

We at Pappy's Porch recognize (this being election day) that you have difficult choices to make:

'Who buys the next round?'

'Who should you bum $5 off for your next game of Big Buck?"

'Should you go find a Big Buck Hunter Open Season -or- Big Buck Safari?

We understand that these are weighty matters. That's why we are pleased to announced that now Big Buck World offers BOTH GAMES IN ONE CABINET!!

Now you can alternate between playing your 2 favorite games without having to take a single step.

Wow! It's like having Beer AND Pretzels!

It's like having BOTH your girl friends in the same place! ...uh... wait... maybe that's not such a good example.

Anyway, you get the idea

Here's the first Game Select screen from the new Big Buck World game: